Map Digitization,Geo-Referenced and ULPIN Status

District Name: KARIMGANJ
S.No. Tehsil Name
No. of Cadastral Maps/FMBs/Tippans No. of Villages No. of Land Parcels
Total In good condition Digitized Total Villages Spatial Data verified Cadastral Maps Geo - refrenced Cadastral Maps linked to RoR Real time updation of RoR and Maps Bhu-Naksha used for Cadastral Maps Total Land Parcels Geo-refrenced ULPIN Implemented SVAMITVA ULPIN Implemented Total(ULPIN+SVAMITVA)
No. % No. % No. %
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6a) (6b) (7) (8) (9a) (9b) (10a) (10b) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
1 Badarpur 151 151 141 93.38% 186 85 49 26.34% 48 25.81% 48 48 67492 37823 37823 157 37980
2 Karimganj 258 258 198 76.74% 263 183 138 52.47% 138 52.47% 138 138 124935 84160 83107 0 83107
3 Nilambazar 300 298 192 64.00% 238 234 144 60.50% 144 60.50% 142 142 119551 102878 102299 0 102299
4 Patharkandi 81 81 80 98.77% 180 44 43 23.89% 43 23.89% 43 43 26351 25493 25373 0 25373
5 Ramkrishna Nagar 245 245 245 100.00% 287 205 205 71.43% 205 71.43% 197 197 75658 75428 72308 0 72308
Grand Total 1035 1033 856 82.71% 1154 751 579 50.17% 578 50.09% 568 568 413987 325782 320910 157 321067