Map Digitization,Geo-Referenced and ULPIN Status

District Name: REWA
S.No.Tehsil Name
No. of Cadastral Maps/FMBs/TippansNo. of VillagesNo. of Land Parcels
TotalIn good condition Digitized Total VillagesSpatial Data verifiedCadastral Maps Geo - refrenced Cadastral Maps linked to RoR Real time updation of RoR and Maps Bhu-Naksha used for Cadastral Maps Total Land ParcelsGeo-refrencedULPIN ImplementedSVAMITVA ULPIN ImplementedTotal(ULPIN+SVAMITVA)
1 Gurh 445 445 445 100.00% 135 135 135 100.00% 135 100.00% 135 135 143663 88600 88425 0 88425
2 Hanumana 633 633 633 100.00% 333 330 330 99.10% 330 99.10% 330 330 17163 15989 0 0 0
3 Huzur 350 350 350 100.00% 209 207 208 99.52% 207 99.04% 207 207 181392 95760 85097 0 85097
4 Jawa 543 543 543 100.00% 265 265 265 100.00% 265 100.00% 265 265 200677 106828 100089 0 100089
5 Mangawan 399 399 399 100.00% 290 290 290 100.00% 290 100.00% 290 290 274245 145326 144791 0 144791
6 Mauganj 476 476 476 100.00% 331 331 331 100.00% 331 100.00% 331 331 193730 111906 100487 0 100487
7 Naigarhi 464 464 464 100.00% 376 376 376 100.00% 376 100.00% 376 376 0 0 0 0 0
8 Raipur - Karchuliyan 339 339 339 100.00% 116 116 116 100.00% 116 100.00% 116 116 128570 74368 73464 0 73464
9 Semaria 335 335 335 100.00% 183 182 182 99.45% 182 99.45% 182 182 122433 65620 56825 0 56825
10 Sirmour 314 314 314 100.00% 188 188 188 100.00% 188 100.00% 188 188 207118 113229 110112 257 110369
Grand Total480648064806100.0%27202714271599.82%271499.78%271427141656778910251847234257847491
Showing 1 to 10 of 11 entries