CLR (Computerization of Land Records) - Physical Progress

S.No. Tehsil Name Total RORs Total Villages Villages Of
CLR Mutation Computerized Issuance of digitally signed ROR ROR Linkage With Aadhaar in villages ROR Distribution through CSC,Kisok,Online,etc.
Completed Ongoing Completed Ongoing
No. % No. No. No. % No. %
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5a) (5b) (6) (7) (8) (9a) (9b) (10) (11a) (11b)
Grand Total 8,41,084 3,318 3,066 0 2,669 231 11 0 3,063
1 Bansgaon 1,02,504 548 518 94.53% 0 517 2 0 0.00% 0 517 94.34%
2 Campierganj 1,59,006 218 217 99.54% 0 156 143 0 0.00% 0 217 99.54%
3 Chauri Chaura 92,719 218 218 100.00% 0 215 3 1 0.46% 0 218 100.00%
4 Gola 1,04,230 707 641 90.66% 0 641 1 1 0.14% 0 641 90.66%
5 Gorakhpur 1,75,538 512 471 91.99% 0 471 0 0 0.00% 0 470 91.80%
6 Khajni 1,18,018 769 670 87.13% 0 669 82 9 1.17% 0 669 87.00%
7 Sahjanwa 89,069 346 331 95.66% 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 331 95.66%
Grand Total 8,41,084 3,318 3,066 0 2,669 231 11 0 3,063