CLR (Computerization of Land Records) - Physical Progress

District: Deeg
Tehsil Name: Rarah
S.No. Village Name Total No. of ROR Total No. of Land Owners/ Holders ROR Data Entry as of Previous settlement (100% checked and frozen) Availability of ROR Distribution/Printing Software ROR Linkage With Aadhaar No. of Land Owners/ Holders whose ROR is linked with Aadhaar Whether Mutation notice and Mutation Workflow are Computerized Issuance of Digitally Signed ROR Status Entry Date
Completed Ongoing Not Started
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
1 Abhaurra 626 617 Completed Done 0 0 626 0 Done Not Done 2024-05-31
2 Ajan 1 780 857 Completed Done 0 0 780 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
3 Ajan 2 707 678 Completed Done 0 0 707 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
4 Awar 1259 1203 Completed Done 0 0 1259 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
5 Burawai 300 289 Completed Done 0 0 300 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
6 Didwari 379 347 Completed Done 0 0 379 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
7 Gunsara 1 663 625 Completed Done 0 0 663 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
8 Gunsara 2 475 456 Completed Done 0 0 475 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
9 Ludhwada 322 309 Completed Done 0 0 322 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
10 Nagala Baghaya 207 196 Completed Done 0 0 207 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
11 Nagla Bagha 63 57 Completed Done 0 0 63 0 Done Done 2020-07-06
12 Nagla Jeewana 290 213 Completed Done 0 0 290 0 Done Done 2020-07-06
13 Rarah 965 925 Completed Done 0 0 965 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
14 Sajaula 157 149 Completed Done 0 0 157 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
15 SANTRUK 1 747 725 Completed Done 0 0 747 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
16 SANTRUK 2 702 676 Completed Done 0 0 702 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
17 Sogar 628 587 Completed Done 0 0 628 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
18 Takha 919 882 Completed Done 0 0 919 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
19 Talphara 718 692 Completed Done 0 0 718 0 Done Done 2024-05-31
20 Ubar 547 519 Completed Done 0 0 547 0 Done Done 2024-05-31