CLR (Computerization of Land Records) - Physical Progress

District: Annamayya
Tehsil Name: Sambepalle Mandal
S.No. Village Name Total No. of ROR Total No. of Land Owners/ Holders ROR Data Entry as of Previous settlement (100% checked and frozen) Availability of ROR Distribution/Printing Software ROR Linkage With Aadhaar No. of Land Owners/ Holders whose ROR is linked with Aadhaar Whether Mutation notice and Mutation Workflow are Computerized Issuance of Digitally Signed ROR Status Entry Date
Completed Ongoing Not Started
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
1 Devapatla 5978 1917 Completed Done 5978 0 0 1782 Done Done 2024-07-10
2 Dudyala 5082 1238 Completed Done 5082 0 0 1211 Done Done 2024-07-10
3 Gunnikuntla 4803 883 Completed Done 4803 0 0 859 Done Done 2024-07-08
4 Guriginjakunta 2544 704 Completed Done 2544 0 0 624 Done Done 2024-07-08
5 Guttapalle 1530 393 Completed Done 1530 0 0 346 Done Done 2024-07-08
6 Motakatla 4682 1451 Completed Done 4682 0 0 1377 Done Done 2024-07-10
7 Narayanareddipalle 3722 1315 Completed Done 3722 0 0 1268 Done Done 2024-07-08
8 Routhukunta 3092 783 Completed Done 3092 0 0 758 Done Done 2024-07-08
9 Sambepalle 1437 449 Completed Done 1437 0 0 379 Done Done 2024-07-08
10 Settipalle 12002 3148 Completed Done 12002 0 0 2788 Done Done 2024-07-10
11 Sho.Somavaram 2990 1054 Completed Done 2990 0 0 888 Done Done 2024-07-10