CLR (Computerization of Land Records) - Physical Progress

District: Annamayya
Tehsil Name: Veeraballe Mandal
S.No. Village Name Total No. of ROR Total No. of Land Owners/ Holders ROR Data Entry as of Previous settlement (100% checked and frozen) Availability of ROR Distribution/Printing Software ROR Linkage With Aadhaar No. of Land Owners/ Holders whose ROR is linked with Aadhaar Whether Mutation notice and Mutation Workflow are Computerized Issuance of Digitally Signed ROR Status Entry Date
Completed Ongoing Not Started
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
1 Gadikota 3397 872 Completed Done 3397 0 0 794 Done Done 2024-07-09
2 Matli 6999 2170 Completed Done 6999 0 0 1938 Done Done 2024-07-09
3 Odiveedu 2085 805 Completed Done 2085 0 0 765 Done Done 2024-07-08
4 Peddiveedu 4625 1281 Completed Done 4625 0 0 1176 Done Done 2024-07-09
5 Sanipaya 4533 861 Completed Done 4533 0 0 770 Done Done 2024-07-08
6 Somavaram 3262 821 Completed Done 3262 0 0 748 Done Done 2024-07-09
7 Veeraballe 7610 2143 Completed Done 7610 0 0 2066 Done Done 2024-07-09
8 Vongimalla 4716 1508 Completed Done 4716 0 0 1333 Done Done 2024-07-09
9 Yadaballe 378 104 Completed Done 378 0 0 100 Done Done 2024-07-09