CLR (Computerization of Land Records) - Physical Progress

District: KURNOOL
Tehsil Name: Kodumur Mandal
S.No. Village Name Total No. of ROR Total No. of Land Owners/ Holders ROR Data Entry as of Previous settlement (100% checked and frozen) Availability of ROR Distribution/Printing Software ROR Linkage With Aadhaar No. of Land Owners/ Holders whose ROR is linked with Aadhaar Whether Mutation notice and Mutation Workflow are Computerized Issuance of Digitally Signed ROR Status Entry Date
Completed Ongoing Not Started
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
1 Amadaguntla 1455 817 Completed Done 1455 0 0 799 Done Done 2024-07-24
2 Anugonda 2927 1310 Completed Done 2927 0 0 1287 Done Done 2024-07-24
3 Gorantla 4271 2085 Completed Done 4271 0 0 2059 Done Done 2024-07-29
4 Kodumur 3556 2005 Completed Done 3556 0 0 1946 Done Done 2024-07-29
5 Laddagiri 4602 2129 Completed Done 4602 0 0 2054 Done Done 2024-07-29
6 Mudumalagurthy 2179 1339 Completed Done 2179 0 0 1306 Done Done 2024-07-24
7 Pulakurthy 3869 2213 Completed Done 3869 0 0 2171 Done Done 2024-07-24
8 Pyalakurthy 4070 1815 Completed Done 4070 0 0 1771 Done Done 2024-07-29
9 Varkur 2478 1370 Completed Done 2478 0 0 1330 Done Done 2024-07-24
10 Yerradoddi 2784 1542 Completed Done 2784 0 0 1486 Done Done 2024-07-29