CLR (Computerization of Land Records) - Physical Progress

District: Annamayya
Tehsil Name: Kurabalakota
S.No. Village Name Total No. of ROR Total No. of Land Owners/ Holders ROR Data Entry as of Previous settlement (100% checked and frozen) Availability of ROR Distribution/Printing Software ROR Linkage With Aadhaar No. of Land Owners/ Holders whose ROR is linked with Aadhaar Whether Mutation notice and Mutation Workflow are Computerized Issuance of Digitally Signed ROR Status Entry Date
Completed Ongoing Not Started
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
1 Angallu 8866 1662 Completed Done 8866 0 0 1466 Done Done 2024-07-09
2 Brahmanavoddu Palle 617 203 Completed Done 617 0 0 177 Done Done 2024-07-08
3 Kurabalakota 22510 2737 Completed Done 22510 0 0 2314 Done Done 2024-07-09
4 Matlivaripalle 16264 1802 Completed Done 16264 0 0 1596 Done Done 2024-07-09
5 Mudivedu 18208 1733 Completed Done 18208 0 0 1531 Done Done 2024-07-09
6 Mutakanavaripalle 71 57 Completed Done 71 0 0 50 Done Done 2024-07-08
7 Pitchalavandla Palle 11049 1183 Completed Done 11049 0 0 940 Done Done 2024-07-09
8 Thettu 11939 1914 Completed Done 11939 0 0 1729 Done Done 2024-07-09