CLR (Computerization of Land Records) - Physical Progress

District: DAUSA
Tehsil Name: Lawan
S.No. Village Name Total No. of ROR Total No. of Land Owners/ Holders ROR Data Entry as of Previous settlement (100% checked and frozen) Availability of ROR Distribution/Printing Software ROR Linkage With Aadhaar No. of Land Owners/ Holders whose ROR is linked with Aadhaar Whether Mutation notice and Mutation Workflow are Computerized Issuance of Digitally Signed ROR Status Entry Date
Completed Ongoing Not Started
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
1 ANANDPURA 68 395 Completed Done 0 0 68 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
2 Baniyana 373 1818 Completed Done 0 0 373 0 Done Done 2024-05-27
3 Barh Bidarkha 20 180 Completed Done 0 0 20 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
4 Beeghawas 183 1070 Completed Done 0 0 183 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
5 Beer Lawan 21 156 Completed Done 0 0 21 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
6 Bhoodlya Bhootpura 92 678 Completed Done 0 0 92 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
7 BIDARKHA 40 171 Completed Done 0 0 40 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
8 Boontoli 96 716 Completed Done 0 0 96 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
9 Chak Dharanwas 54 321 Completed Done 0 0 54 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
10 Chak Harpatti 42 168 Completed Done 0 0 42 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
11 Chak Jagrampura 14 101 Completed Done 0 0 14 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
12 CHAK KHANPURA 85 609 Completed Done 0 0 85 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
13 CHAK RAJWAS 94 717 Completed Done 0 0 94 0 Done Done 2024-07-10
14 Chak Rampura 11 86 Completed Done 0 0 11 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
15 Chawand 140 915 Completed Done 0 0 140 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
16 DEORI 137 1169 Completed Done 0 0 137 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
17 DHARANWAS 33 138 Completed Done 0 0 33 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
18 Dharasooti 37 282 Completed Done 0 0 37 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
19 Dhigariya 222 1409 Completed Done 0 0 222 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
20 Dublya 69 432 Completed Done 0 0 69 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
21 Dugrawata 230 1241 Completed Done 0 0 230 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
22 FATKYAWAS 46 231 Completed Done 0 0 46 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
23 Gaonli 109 981 Completed Done 0 0 109 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
24 GIRDHARPURA 77 646 Completed Done 0 0 77 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
25 Googolao 203 921 Completed Done 0 0 203 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
26 Gurha Keeratwas 161 889 Completed Done 0 0 161 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
27 Hariyana @ Harinathpura 125 1018 Completed Done 0 0 125 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
28 Harpatti 45 415 Completed Done 0 0 45 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
29 Hingotiya 281 1646 Completed Done 0 0 281 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
30 Jagrampura 33 140 Completed Done 0 0 33 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
31 JAGSAHAIPURA 88 618 Completed Done 0 0 88 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
32 Jailampura 131 649 Completed Done 0 0 131 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
33 Jairampura 157 722 Completed Done 0 0 157 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
34 Jhoopariya 35 227 Completed Done 0 0 35 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
35 KANWARPURA 159 1237 Completed Done 0 0 159 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
36 Karanpura 60 487 Completed Done 0 0 60 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
37 Khandewal 100 652 Completed Done 0 0 100 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
38 KHANPURA 157 1222 Completed Done 0 0 157 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
39 Khanwas 165 990 Completed Done 0 0 165 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
40 KHERLA KHURD 352 1573 Completed Done 0 0 352 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
41 Kota Patti 140 968 Completed Done 0 0 140 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
42 Lawan 814 3827 Completed Done 0 0 814 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
43 Malarna 441 1951 Completed Done 0 0 441 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
44 Mandera Sunarpura 175 1525 Completed Done 0 0 175 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
45 Matwas 140 930 Completed Done 0 0 140 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
46 MOHANPURA 89 437 Completed Done 0 0 89 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
47 Moonsolai 69 434 Completed Done 0 0 69 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
48 Nangal Govind 285 1382 Completed Done 0 0 285 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
49 NAYAGAON 98 310 Completed Done 0 0 98 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
50 Peepalya Chainpura 80 654 Completed Done 0 0 80 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
51 Pooranwas 96 418 Completed Done 0 0 96 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
52 Prahladpura 101 561 Completed Done 0 0 101 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
53 Purbiyawas 673 3071 Completed Done 0 0 673 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
54 RAJWAS 180 1294 Completed Done 0 0 180 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
55 Ramjipura 58 328 Completed Done 0 0 58 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
56 RAMPURA KHURD 68 340 Completed Done 0 0 68 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
57 Sabalpura 95 390 Completed Done 0 0 95 0 Done Done 2024-05-06
58 Singwara 390 2061 Completed Done 0 0 390 0 Done Done 2024-05-06