Map Digitization Status - Physical Progress

District Name: CHITTORGARH
S.No. Tehsil Name
No. of Cadastral Maps/FMBs/Tippans No. of Villages
Total In good condition Digitized Total Villages Spatial Data verified Cadastral Maps Geo - refrenced Cadastral Maps linked to RoR Real time updation of RoR and Maps Bhu-Naksha used for Cadastral Maps
No. No. % No. No. % No. % No. No.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5a) (5b) (6) (7) (8a) (8b) (9a) (9b) (10) (11)
Grand Total 4201 4195 4134 98.41% 1789 1751 260 14.53% 1758 98.27% 1760 1760
1 Bari Sadri 326 326 323 99.08% 162 161 1 0.62% 161 99.38% 161 161
2 Bassi 240 240 240 100.00% 106 102 0 0.00% 103 97.17% 103 103
3 Begun 310 310 298 96.13% 250 238 238 95.20% 243 97.20% 243 243
4 Bhadesar 297 297 297 100.00% 169 166 0 0.00% 166 98.22% 166 166
5 Bhopalsagar 241 241 223 92.53% 87 85 0 0.00% 85 97.70% 85 85
6 Chittaurgarh 308 302 297 96.43% 136 133 5 3.68% 132 97.06% 132 132
7 Dungla 286 286 286 100.00% 118 112 3 2.54% 115 97.46% 115 115
8 Gangrar 375 375 375 100.00% 133 127 0 0.00% 126 94.74% 128 128
9 Kapasan 330 330 326 98.79% 122 121 3 2.46% 121 99.18% 121 121
10 Nimbahera 488 488 469 96.11% 181 181 4 2.21% 181 100.00% 181 181
11 Rashmi 217 217 217 100.00% 94 94 6 6.38% 94 100.00% 94 94
12 Rawatbhata 783 783 783 100.00% 231 231 0 0.00% 231 100.00% 231 231