Map Digitization Status - Physical Progress

District Name: BARPETA
S.No. Tehsil Name
No. of Cadastral Maps/FMBs/Tippans No. of Villages
Total In good condition Digitized Total Villages Spatial Data verified Cadastral Maps Geo - refrenced Cadastral Maps linked to RoR Real time updation of RoR and Maps Bhu-Naksha used for Cadastral Maps
No. No. % No. No. % No. % No. No.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5a) (5b) (6) (7) (8a) (8b) (9a) (9b) (10) (11)
Grand Total 792 581 574 72.47% 658 474 471 71.58% 643 97.72% 1 643
1 Baghbor 195 80 79 40.51% 140 72 69 49.29% 124 88.57% 1 124
2 Barnagar (Pt) 120 112 112 93.33% 90 82 82 91.11% 90 100.00% 0 90
3 Barpeta 189 189 189 100.00% 145 137 137 94.48% 145 100.00% 0 145
4 Chenga 51 51 50 98.04% 72 47 47 65.28% 72 100.00% 0 72
5 Kalgachia 119 36 31 26.05% 100 29 29 29.00% 100 100.00% 0 100
6 Sarthebari 118 113 113 95.76% 111 107 107 96.40% 112 100.90% 0 112