Map Digitization Status - Physical Progress

District Name: REWA
S.No. Tehsil Name
No. of Cadastral Maps/FMBs/Tippans No. of Villages
Total In good condition Digitized Total Villages Spatial Data verified Cadastral Maps Geo - refrenced Cadastral Maps linked to RoR Real time updation of RoR and Maps Bhu-Naksha used for Cadastral Maps
No. No. % No. No. % No. % No. No.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5a) (5b) (6) (7) (8a) (8b) (9a) (9b) (10) (11)
Grand Total 4806 4806 4806 100.00% 2720 2714 2715 99.82% 2714 99.78% 2714 2714
1 Gurh 445 445 445 100.00% 135 135 135 100.00% 135 100.00% 135 135
2 Hanumana 633 633 633 100.00% 333 330 330 99.10% 330 99.10% 330 330
3 Huzur 350 350 350 100.00% 209 207 208 99.52% 207 99.04% 207 207
4 Jawa 543 543 543 100.00% 265 265 265 100.00% 265 100.00% 265 265
5 Mangawan 399 399 399 100.00% 290 290 290 100.00% 290 100.00% 290 290
6 Mauganj 476 476 476 100.00% 331 331 331 100.00% 331 100.00% 331 331
7 Naigarhi 464 464 464 100.00% 376 376 376 100.00% 376 100.00% 376 376
8 Raipur - Karchuliyan 339 339 339 100.00% 116 116 116 100.00% 116 100.00% 116 116
9 Semaria 335 335 335 100.00% 183 182 182 99.45% 182 99.45% 182 182
10 Sirmour 314 314 314 100.00% 188 188 188 100.00% 188 100.00% 188 188
11 Teonthar 508 508 508 100.00% 294 294 294 100.00% 294 100.00% 294 294