Map Digitization Status - Physical Progress

District Name: Didwana Kuchaman
S.No. Tehsil Name
No. of Cadastral Maps/FMBs/Tippans No. of Villages
Total In good condition Digitized Total Villages Spatial Data verified Cadastral Maps Geo - refrenced Cadastral Maps linked to RoR Real time updation of RoR and Maps Bhu-Naksha used for Cadastral Maps
No. No. % No. No. % No. % No. No.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5a) (5b) (6) (7) (8a) (8b) (9a) (9b) (10) (11)
Grand Total 3231 3231 3231 100.00% 797 797 38 4.77% 796 99.87% 796 797
1 Choti Khatu 243 243 243 100.00% 53 53 5 9.43% 53 100.00% 53 53
2 Didwana 246 246 246 100.00% 77 77 3 3.90% 76 98.70% 76 77
3 Kuchaman 493 493 493 100.00% 123 123 3 2.44% 123 100.00% 123 123
4 Ladnu 315 315 315 100.00% 105 105 0 0.00% 105 100.00% 105 105
5 Makrana 593 593 593 100.00% 141 141 24 17.02% 141 100.00% 141 141
6 MOLASAR 267 267 267 100.00% 75 75 3 4.00% 75 100.00% 75 75
7 Nawa 527 527 527 100.00% 106 106 0 0.00% 106 100.00% 106 106
8 Parbatsar 547 547 547 100.00% 117 117 0 0.00% 117 100.00% 117 117