Map Digitization Status - Physical Progress

District Name: Annamayya
Tehsil Name: Kurabalakota
S.No. Village Name Total No. of Mapsheets/ FMBs/ Tippans Total No. of Mapsheets/ FMBs/ Tippans in good condition No. Of Mapsheets/ FMBs/ Tippans Digitized Spatial Data verified Are Cadastral Maps Geo-Referenced Are Cadastral Maps linked With ROR Are Cadastral Maps simultaneously updated with Bhu-Naksha used for Cadastral Maps Other software used for Cadastral Maps Status Entry Date Remark
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
1 Angallu 921 893 890 Done Done Done Done Done Yes 2022-05-19
2 Brahmanavoddu Palle 96 96 96 Done Done Done Done Done Yes 2023-11-03
3 Kurabalakota 2112 2014 1956 Done Done Done Done Done Yes 2021-02-10
4 Matlivaripalle 1543 1414 1319 Done Done Done Done Done Yes 2021-02-10
5 Mudivedu 1814 1718 1631 Done Done Done Done Done Yes 2021-02-10
6 Mutakanavaripalle 17 17 17 Done Done Done Done Done Yes 2021-02-10
7 Pitchalavandla Palle 903 903 903 Done Done Done Done Done Yes 2023-11-03
8 Thettu 1234 1168 1124 Done Done Done Done Done Yes 2021-02-10